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Showing posts from February, 2011

TwitVim: Tweeting in the vim

很久没更新了,因为很久没折腾了。 昨晚火星地发现了一个好东西:twitvim,是个vim script。 试用了下,很不错,该有的功能都有了。这里做个笔记。 1、安装 从 vim script 下载twitvim的vba包。 用vim打开下载到的twitvim.vba,输入 :so % 回车完成安装。 安装curl,twitvim需要curl来fetching。 sudo apt-get install curl 2、配置 在.vimrc里添加 let twitvim_login = " user:pwd " 试用api,则添加 let twivim_api_root = " api_url " 使用代理,添加 let twitvim_proxy = " proxyhost:proxyport " 3、使用 进入vim (via ) :PosttoTwitter - This command will prompt you for a message to send to Twitter. :CPosttoTwitter - This command posts the current line in the current buffer to Twitter. :BPosttoTwitter - This command posts the current buffer to Twitter. Alt-T - In Visual select mode, the Alt-T key posts the selected text to Twitter.   (use Ctrl-T instead if menu bar is enabled) NOTE: The T mapping was changed to Alt-T to avoid overriding the T search command. Alt-R - Starts a @-reply. (from timeline buffer) Alt-D - Starts a direct